Monday, April 27, 2009

Our Bald Eagle Has Returned!!!!!!!

I'm so excited! We had an Eagle pass through and stayed for close to a month last year. First one seen here around us! Yesterday while sitting in the yard in the sun I thought I heard one, but couldnt see anything. Then this morning Douglas came running in the house after a morning of hunting Starlings and told me he saw one.....well I was hopeful but sceptical...I gotta see to belive. I couldnt see anything where he pointed to a group of trees that he flew into. Then about 10 minutes later he rushed in and say its flying around...ran to the back door..and sure enough!!!! There was our beauty soaring above the lake!
I hope this year I can get a good picture! Mari got one last year you can find it on her blog about this time last year.
HERE is some information you can read about on Eagles!


  1. OH WOW! Hope you get photos!

  2. I hope you get photos too! Protect the chickens!

  3. Chicken is in the coop! my cameras zoom SUCKS so no pics I'll have to rely on the neighbors! Thats okay, as long as I get one!


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