They say when God closes one door...
another opens.
Whether this is true with beloved pets or not I dont know. Maybe its situational??
But today was a very exciting day for us, in fact the whole weekend was!
We had a cow calve twins, before the second one was born the buzzards got to it and killed it. Which unfortunately happens a lot, they can be more of a threat than coyotes. Our neighbors the last few years have had a lot of trouble with the buzzards. The momma cow never recognized the second baby.
Torro, born this afternoon, February 22, 2009
is our latest addition. He is my first hand raised calf of this year, and he came at the perfect time!
We are still so sad about losing Oliver, Doug wants to bond with this new calf, in fact he was the first to imprint on him, but he is hesitant and scared to get attached for fear of loosing him too.
I'm tickled pink for the opportunity to raise another baby, though its bitter sweet.
A new baby is what we needed to get over this bad week we have had.
Torro took to the bottle right away, no need to tube him at all! So much less stress on a calf that way.
He's a little case the name didn't give it away! he he!
Other good news...Georgia should foal within the next two weeks! Her bag is growing, milk vein is much more prominent, and she is heavy with her baby, now spreading her back legs a lot to walk and when she relaxes. She now greats me with a friendly snort, knowing I'm the one that brings her the food she has grown to eagerly await for as soon as I walk out of the house! She even let me rub on her head! Major break through. In case you dont know...she hated me. Why? No clue...but she did. I think she is warming up. She is defiantly a mans horse.
Leah has already named the know "here's my horse - Radish" LOL Horseradish! Yeah I know thats now how its spelled, but gives us a laugh anyway. The next heifer calf we have that will be kept hand raised or not is Patty...Cow-Pattie. Oh the fun we had today with names! Leah cracked me up today. I love when she is so happy and excited!
The next good new's....I've been feeling really bad, went to the OBGYN worried that my cancer had progressed again. I was supposed to get checked up every 3 -4 months, but I got so tired of biopsy's that hurt, more tests, pokes and prods and went through a rough time emotionally because of it all that I quit going. They didn't know where the cancer cells were coming from for sure and they were actually pre-cancerous. I had cervical and uterine cancer, however I was lucky enough that a full hysterectomy was considered "corrective surgery" they said. I wasnt staged no radiation no chemo.
I was so lucky.
But again this weekend - GREAT news! My cancer cells are no longer active, they are what the doctor said "dormant"! They may never even become active again...or they may never. But they arent now and thats the news I needed to hear. However...there is always a however huh?? No clue to why I keep getting the fevers and the general all over feel bads. And she felt my lymph nodes in my neck where hard and swollen, and felt several lumps on my neck....great. Wasnt expecting that! I had an ultra sound done on Thursday...hopefully that will be all clear. I'll know sometimes this week for sure. But I'm optimistic that it will be nothing.
The number one rule with a calf that gets scours is FLUIDS!!! They CAN die from scours. (for those who dont know....its the cows version of the runs!)
Here is the remedy...
Use for emergency Oral Fluids when you cant get to the store...
1 Table Spoon of 'lite' salt
1 table spoon baking soda
1 package jam or jelly pectin
2 quarts (4 pints) of water
Mix ingredients together and administer to cow or sick calf at least tow to three times per day if they have become noticeably dehydrated.
Some say to continue milk in between fluids, others dont..we have found its best to take them off milk for a day or two and give whats called Bounce Back, its the best we have found. There are many out can get all kinds at TSC including the bounce back....the others arent worth a crap.
There is also one called Scours Remedy..cant remember the color of the packets... I'm thinking blue? But dont mark my word I'll have to ask Norm about that one. On the Bounce Back..yellow comes in two separate powders that you mic in warm water and instructions on the back on how to administer and how much, how often.
Hope this helps you out, and I'm sooooo sorry I couldnt get this up here sooner. I hope Angus is doing better!
hmmmm this weekend was jammed packed and I still have not had the opportunity to visit every one, I'm really sorry I havent been by!
Several of you asked me:
Lisa - when we sell the cow that had the still birth, she will be sold but she will be bought for meet...sad huh, but thats what they are raised for.
Libby and Lisa were interested:
Why did the calf die? No way to really know. More than likely the calf had problems that otherwise would make it impossible to live, maybe a deformity of his internal organs? He was HUGE so maybe his momma was in labor actually for a long time and she wasnt having the contractions or able to deliver him. He was too big for her to have, so maybe he stayed in her too long? Maybe the placenta ruptured while he was inside? I just dont know. Generally I think its due to the fact that the calf had problems that would cause him not to survive regardless. Does Momma get depressed when this happens? I dont believe they have the same feelings that we have, but I did learn with Oliver that they do can enjoy our company and affection that we show them long after they quit taking the bottle. When a cow looses her calf for whatever reason, for days she will stay with him, never wandering far...nudging him to rise, clean him time goes on she wanders further and further away as her maternal instinct disappears. Not having the calf suck and seek her or call for her causes her to finally leave the dead calf. The cow today that had the twins was devoted ONLY to the first calf that the buzzards killed and never even recognized Torro at all as being hers, which is VERY common when twins are born. Libby. after trying to kill Norm and Neil when they got her in the barn to try to take to her other calf...I wont be patting her on the back! LOL But I'm glad she is fine and once she cannot find the dead calf, after awhile of looking and calling for him for a few for her will go back to normal.
One interesting thing about cows though along these lines...They will often leave several calves with a cow - the Baby sitter....go graze and enjoy the time off for several hours...then switch out! Its been so neat every time I see one cow with several of her herd members babies following her and doing whats told! Such a human thing to do isnt it???? I'm glad the pics didnt gross anyone out, I had several close ups that were much more graphic, but decided against those!
Yes Libby I'd LOVE to write a book, I've got lots to tell LOL I'm a talker anyway...but it would be so much fun!
Lets shoot for 2 weeks to get together for Indian food, Leah said I'm not allowed to go without her, Indian is one of her favorites!
Hi there Crystal J! I'm so glad you stopped by!!! I'll check to see if you have a blog and come visit! Lambs are so cute its got to be a joy to raise one!!!! Your so lucky! Where do you live?
I'm anxious to hear about what all you do!
Hi Kim! I'm sorry I've not been able to email you, I'm so back logged with all my Etsy stuff, and emails and my blogging friends its unreal! I hope things are good with you, and I'm still hoping that we can get some of our team members together soon, if not all of em, those of us really close! What fun!!!!!
Hey there Amy! I'll get my 8 random things up - promise! I cant wait to catch up with you!
Hi Elaine, I cant wait to see what art you have been working on, I hope the puppies are doing well too!
Thanks for your comment Cathy! I really miss my little guy.....thanks for stopping by!
Ramblings...your a doll, hugs appreciated! you too, keep the Terrorist healthy and away from hills!!! LOL seriously.....I wish I could have her, Lord those big brown eyes stole me long ago!
Hey there KK...I'm sorry to hear you in a sad mood too...I'll have to come over and see whats up! Whatever it may be...HUGZ!
Hey there Christy! Missed talking to you....yeah last week was rough all around..but we trudge on, I had tons of bad news but this weekend sure brightened my mood up tons!
Hi there Ian, glad you stopped by, I'll check out the blog you told me about sounds interesting!
Liz...send Maggie on over! LOL she'll fit right in the hen house! LOL
LOL Elaine..people probably think Leah and I are nuts! But like Liz said actually riding a cow isnt so unusual, they mostly do it out west, and in European countries...In fact I'm sure you've seen the old time paintings or pictures of little girls riding a big old gentle cow! It used to be done a lot back when! Wouldnt it be neat to do that though...ride a cow in a parade??? I bet Leah and I would be the one's who got all the glory and attention! Bet we would make the paper for sure! LOL
Hi there Sue! thanks a lot for your comments too! I hope to come over and visit in the next day or so...
Okay its about 11 pm and I will be going out soon for another bottle for the calf and then bed so I'd better hop off here to get that ready and check on little Torro...Pictures tomorrow I promise. It was too dark in the barn today to get any!